
Thursday, May 8, 2014

I'm Engaged! Now what?

No, not me. hehehe :)

My boyfriends brother and his girlfriend, who is one of my closest friends got engaged a couple weeks ago and I couldn't be happier! I'm so excited for them and so happy to help plan this wedding.

 aren't they the cutest?

The engagement got me to thinking... even though you know it may be coming and you're ready to get married, once you're engaged every bride faces a state of shock and thinks "I'm finally engaged! Now what?"  Where do I begin the planning, what do I do now?

So here's my advice...

1. Give it a minute. You just got engaged, you don't have to do anything yet. You have A LOT of time to plan and you should take some time with your fiance' to just enjoy it! Try not to plan a single thing for at least a week or two. Trust me, your finace' is going to be very annoyed with you when the planning begins, so give him (or her) some time to let it sink in and just relax.

2. Start saving. Even if you're a budget bride, you'll need some mula. Put away as much as you can into a wedding jar or a savings account each week. This will help you when the deposits start flowing in.

3. Print a planning timeline. You'll need to know when to get your dress, get your cake, pick your venue etc. And knowing what to do first will help you. Here are some great online timelines:
Real Simple
Here Comes The Bride

4. Make a wedding website! It's fun and you don't need much to create it.

5. Make a preliminary guest list. Just a rough draft will do.

And by the way... Congratulations! 

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